Virtual Gastric Banding
What is the Virtual Gastric Band?
The Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable weight loss method that uses the concept of a ‘virtual’ gastric band during hypnosis.The process is permanent and safe. It changes the way you think about food and reduces hunger so that you:
want to eat less
feel fuller faster
feel fuller longer
make healthier food choices
The weight control program, using the concept of a Virtual Gastric Band, takes place over 5 to 6 weeks.
The program is tailored to you and is generally over four 90-minute sessions, using techniques to bring about permanent change in your eating habits and to focus on the person you want to be.
The reason these sessions take place over several weeks is to form a new habit – generally new habits take 21 days to establish. This is not a program designed for a short-term fix; it’s to get you to where you want to be and stay there!
Benefits of Virtual Gastric Banding
The Virtual Gastric Band is a non-surgical weight loss technique that follows the same principles as a surgical gastric band. Using hypnosis, your mind is convinced that it needs less food and virtually shrinks your stomach, so you get a fuller feeling sooner and for longer.
This method also reprograms your relationship with food and addresses the emotional or psychological associations you may have with eating. No more self-sabotaging, bingeing or over-eating.
This weight loss technique is NOT a diet. The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want but enables you to eat and be satisfied with smaller portions. Because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry – the issues that cause most diets to fail.
Through hypnosis, you become naturally satisfied with smaller portions, and your hunger will decrease.
What to Expect
During the therapy session, your subconscious mind is convinced that you have had a gastric band fitted. Your body reacts by feeling full after you have eaten only a small amount of food. As well as reducing the amount of food you eat, you will eat healthier and less fattening foods.
I also provide a personlised transformational recording for you to listen to every day for 21 days, which reinforces the messages you received in your hypnotherapy sessions.
Contact me
I provide a free no obligation 20-minute consultation either by phone or zoom to ascertain how I can help you with your issue.
Complete the intake enquiry form today and I can recommend a package to fit your individual needs.