Anyone can learn the theta technique. It is simple to learn, and students can begin healing themselves and others.
Learn the true power of your thoughts, words and actions and how they are constantly changing your life. You will be empowered to create change in your life as you embark on a remarkable path of self-knowledge, healing and change.
Basic ThetaHealing® Practitioner’s Course (3 days)
Learn the true power of your thoughts, words and actions and how they are constantly changing your life.
This powerful technique allows you to empower every area of your life. ThetaHealing teaches you how to access the theta brain wave to achieve a deep meditative state, and connect to the Creator of all that is where you are able to make changes to your beliefs and gain a deeper understanding on how the conscious and subconscious mind works.
Students will learn:
The four belief levels—CORE, GENETIC, HISTORY and SOUL
The techniques involved in changing belief patterns that are no longer needed
How to install positive thought patterns
How to align the conscious and subconscious mind
How to attract abundance and release the energies of old relationships
The 5 brainwaves
Power of the mind, thoughts and language in your life
How your subconscious limiting beliefs and feelings create obstacles in your life
ThetaHealing Technique
Activating your intuitive abilities
Muscle testing
How to locate limiting beliefs within your subconscious
Replacing defeatist feelings with positive feelings
Aligning your conscious and subconscious mind to achieve your goals
Learning how to intuitively see inside the human body and identify energetic blocks
And much more...
ThetaHealing Workshops
Advanced ThetaHealing® Course (3 days)
The aim of this course is to unlock your healing and intuitive abilities and to rapidly accelerate your spiritual development. All techniques are based on the laws of quantum physics, and this course offers amazing insights into the unification of science and spirituality.
Students will learn:
How to step outside the boundaries of your 3rd dimensional ‘world’, enabling you to ‘play with’ the laws of time and space.
Advanced DNA techniques, providing a greater understanding of the energies of the different planes of existence (spirit world, plant and mineral kingdoms, angelic plane, etc.) and the dynamics that exist between them and how they influence us.
Course outline:
Receive hundreds of empowering healing downloads
Learn how to do healings easier and faster
Gain a deeper understanding about the Seven Planes of Existence
Learn how to Heal a Broken Soul
Send love to ’Baby in the Womb’ exercise
Learn to transform negative feelings and change them into positive ones instantly
Discover how to clear vows and commitments
Learn how to do healings on plants, animals, crystals
Find out how to do healings on non-organic matter such as businesses, houses, jobs, land, etc.
Release Free-Floating Memories (memories from surgery, trauma, etc.)
Perform an Ancestor Reading
Perform a Higher Self Reading
Practise performing ThetaHealings
ThetaHealing Advanced Workshops
Dig Deeper (2 days)
The Dig Deeper workshop empowers all theta practitioners to understand the digging process and to feel confident in getting to clients’ key core beliefs and changing their limiting beliefs.
The narrative-style approach allows you to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block you or your clients. The ThetaHealing technique then uses unconditional love, belief and feeling work to clear these.
This workshop is designed to get all theta healers well trained in this essential technique. It gives you the solid grounding and tips you need to confidently uncover your clients’ key core beliefs.
The Dig Deeper workshop will help you successfully identify the true heart and origin of a problem, . and teach you how to confidently clear out-dated beliefs and habits.
At the completion of the Dig Deeper workshop, you will have proficient knowledge and experience to keep doing belief work on yourself and others. You will know all the techniques to release and uncover the hidden beliefs that people are operating from. Under the guidance of your instructor, you will have ample practice time for this in class.
Course outline:
Learn the 8 ways to ‘dig’ or find the bottom belief and feeling.
Clear your fears about digging or finding the root belief or feeling within a client.
How to hold the space for your client without getting involved in their drama or pain.
How to set-aside your ego and personal opinions during a healing.
Clear any self-sabotaging patterns that may be stopping you from reaching your full potential as a practitioner or healer.
Release any self-limiting beliefs on digging and healing yourself.
How to witness an instant healing by releasing the need to make the healing complicated.
Understanding when a client is ready to heal.
Learn how to become detached from the outcome and not ‘push’ the healing with your own energy.
Letting go of the responsibility for the healing as Divine Source Energy does the work; we are the witness.
This workshop is 75% practical experience.
Dig Deeper Workshop
Manifesting and Abundance Course (2 days)
It is possible to create in the physical world using the power of the Creator of All That Is.
What we think and say has a direct bearing on our manifestations and whether they are for our benefit or detriment.
Being in a theta state while manifesting will increase the chances of a manifestation to 80–90%, especially when limiting belief patterns have been removed.
It is of the utmost importance to manifest from a positive mind set as well as understand how your limiting beliefs affect every aspect of your life. That we have the power to change is what you will achieve in the Manifesting and Abundance Workshop.
This course will assist in preparing your ‘shopping list’ of what you want in areas of your life, home, relationships, soul mate, career, spiritual growth, health and finances.It will empower you to more positively co-create your world.
Students will learn:
That blocks about money are seldom about money
To release beliefs around scarcity and fear
To retrain the mind
To clear abundance issues on all 4 levels: core, genetic history and soul level
To set your intentions and how to make a plan
To clear negative emotions and triggers in regards to the wealth mind set
To clear childhood beliefs about money
To clear feelings of anger, resentment and frustration that block your abundance
That issues have to do with worthiness and desirability
To follow through on your ideas to achieve successes
Vianna’s 100-belief Questionnaire
And much more
This course is 75% hands on.
Manifesting & Abundance Workshop
The Game of Life (3 Days)
This is a 3-day course that can assist you in achieving success in life and business.
Learn to change your beliefs and release the fear of abundance. This course will assist you in overcoming the fear of success and allow you to uncover your true potential and more.
This course takes you out of your comfort zone and puts you in the driver’s seat of your own life to manifest your dreams and release any limitations that are holding you back from releasing your full potential.
Course outline:
The 4 areas of your life that keep you stuck in limitation and lack
The 5 major factors to change to free yourself to live a more fulfilled life
The 9 areas of life to clear that set you free from limitation
The secrets to releasing procrastination and sabotage
The 7 stages to building success
The 3 secrets to dramatically increasing your abundance in any area of your life
The 4 major areas of life to rising above your 'Comfort Zone'
How to vision effectively to create your manifestations with success
How to accept yourself as the powerful being of I AM.