“As a Reiki Master, teacher and practitioner for the last 30 years I have witnessed changes in my clients and students. Their lives have been empowered through Reiki practise and greater self-awareness”.

- Anna


Reiki (Level I)

This 2-day workshop focuses and balances the energy within. You will learn to feel and experience the body’s energy system while exploring many practical ways to enhance your lifestyle, treating yourself and others.

Alternative methods are learned to balance the body and create harmony in the total person. This Level 1 workshop opens the body and mind to experience the spiritual nature of being.

Course outline:

  • The Reiki Principles

  • Ways in which reiki can be used

  • Benefits of reiki

  • Reiki and crystals

  • Understanding the chakras and how they function

  • Reiki hand positions used for self-healing and others

  • Guided meditation / visualisation

  • Healing curve and much more

Reiki Workshops

2-day workshop focussing on the energy within. Learn to feel and experience the body’s energy system while exploring many practical ways to enhance your lifestyle, treating yourself and others.


Level II (2 Days)

This course raises your vibration to a higher level, allowing a greater application of the energy. It concentrates more on the subtle or etheric body rather than the physical body.

The key word to this level is responsibility, and you will be initiated to three sacred symbols. You will also be shown ways of sending healing anywhere you so desire.  

Course outline: 

  • Working with the 3 sacred symbols

  • How to facilitate distance healing

  • Releasing mental & emotional blocks

  • Understanding the etheric fields 

  • Scanning the body

  • Working with all 12 chakra systems and understanding their meaning

  • Empowering your goals and much more

Level II Workshops

Raise your vibration to a higher level and allow a greater application of the energy. This course concentrates more on the subtle or etheric body rather than the physical body.

The key word to this level is responsibility, and you will be initiated to three sacred symbols. You will also be shown ways of sending healing anywhere you so desire.  


Advanced Level (Level IIIa – 2 days)

This workshop is offered to those who would like the Master Energy but do not wish to teach others in a formal setting. The Advanced Level course operates on a Master vibration. The student will learn tools that will assist in day-to-day living without the additional teaching tools and components.

Course outline:

  • Obtain a deeper understanding of the Master Symbols

  • The five spiritual chakras

  • Working with the Antahkarana

  • The elements

  • The seven layers of the spiritual bodies

  • The chakra system

  • Kwan Yin and much more

Advanced Workshops

The Advanced Level course operates on a Master vibration. The student will learn tools that will assist in day-to-day living without the additional teaching tools and components.


Animal Reiki

The joy of having an animal as a pet is a two-way relationship. We see their love for us reflected in many ways – in the loyalty of a dog and the companionship of a cat, for example.

All life forms have an energy field surrounding their physical matter, whether it be the human body, members of the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom or even Mother Earth. Because of this collective energy field, all life forms enjoy the love of a healing touch.

This workshop assists you to ‘switch on’ this life-giving current. The communication between yourself and the animal then becomes a two-way street, giving guidance and support if you are open to it. Communication then becomes a magical experience for you and your beloved pet/animal.

Animal Reiki Workshops

This workshop assists you to ‘switch on’ this life-giving current. The communication between yourself and the animal then becomes a two-way street, giving guidance and support if you are open to it. Communication then becomes a magical experience for you and your beloved pet/animal.